Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Notes from Brooke

Hi All:This is Brooke...Brooke name has not changed for 5 years..That's right, 5 YEARS! Is that crazy. What is more crazy is that I was "dating" Brody from the "Rat Pack" one day and the next, Tyler came up to see me and a month later I was engaged to Tyler....Well, that was after 3 years of dating so I'd say it was about time. We just had our 5-year Anniversary on May 3! We live in Pocatello, Idaho...Acutally, Chubbuck, Idaho...just cross the street and you're in Chubbuck. We are proud to say we are from Chubbuck only because we have less white trash. No, I didn't say NO white trash...just less than Pocatello. It is windy almost everyday here. I hate the wind. We lived in a lovely "fixer-upper" house for about 2 years and then built a new house about a year ago. Tyler loved it so much that he decided to build 2 more this year. We didn't move into either of them, just sold them but it makes me want to build my own again too. I think we are the roaming type, we won't be in a house for more that 2 or 3 years. That is always good for me since I get to re-decorate and that just means that I get to shop!! We don't have any kids yet, working on it though!! I think that once we have kids we might "fit-in" a little better with our neighbors and maybe we'll stay in a good neighborhood for a while longer. Hopefully by the time I'm 60, we'll move back to Utah. That is after we've retired and aren't tied to any of our businesses here. Right now it would be too hard to live in Utah and commute to the Motels we own. If anybody is traveling to Lava Hot Springs, we've got a room for you!! The businesses keep us on our toes at all times, luckily Tyler does that full time and can focus on expanding and improving them. Sometimes I am thankful that I still have a day job or else I'd be dragged along to one Motel or another to clean rooms or fix pipes or some other yucky job. I still work for First American Title as a Closing Officer so I am here more hours of the day than I am at home. I cherish my days off and of course, need more of them. We live pretty boring lives other than that. Work, eat, sleep and sometimes we find time to play. I miss all of you and the good times we had sitting on our Purple couches, or playing the game...i forget the technical name...the one where Rachel stands upstairs and hurls the Yoga ball at break-neck speed towards the unsuspecting target laying on his back in the family room, hoping it will bounce back to her. Ahh, the good ol' times. Her now-husband played that game many-a-time with her, guess he knew what he was getting in to! Anyway, that is plenty from me. LOVES!! I'll try to find a more recent pic of Tyler and I too!

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